Monday, December 29, 2014

Build me up, buttercup.

Why am I somewhat consciously refrained from beginning my project, just so that it lands perfectly on the first of January? I've made a solid decision today that this is what I want to do, so why not start a few days early? This year, 2014, was full of surprises I couldn't ever have imagined. My tummy was full of scrumptious food on several occasions, I laughed with strangers, I mourned with people that faced hunger, terrorism, discrimination, I mourned because this year I had lost a beautiful person in my life that I admired and loved dearly. I feared pathetic horror movies that thrilled me to my bones, and I feared the gravity of my mistakes that had hurt loved ones. I cheered on friends with zest and I cheered on the family members that had lost faith. I broke down many a time, but my moments of happiness and love triumphed it all.

Today I want to bring to the internet I guess, and you reading this, a perspective that hasn't been heard. Mine. First things first, to me, I value collections of stories and experiences as one of the single most important things of life and humanity (and I hope that's something relatable to you too). If not for these unique canvases we all paint, how else would we understand ourselves and build connections of strength and love with one another.

There is not one single dominant purpose for this blog but to share things that I love, and things I would like to share with those who come across it. I wish you all the world's happiness and health, and I hope you enjoy the time you spend reading this, seeing it, hearing my story. And if you would like, please share yours too.

There is no particular reason for the blog name buttercup, besides the fact that the quote "cheer up buttercup" always managed to make me smile.


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